Wednesday 19 September 2012

Magazine Cover Analysis

This magazine is aimed at teenage girls. To make the cover appealing to them, the editors have filled the magazine with celebrities who's fan bases consist of teenagers. The main interview is advertise clearly, using the picture of one direction as the background for the cover, as everything else is layered on top of the picture and therefore is the biggest thing on the page, and again showing it is the main feature. The magazine name 'Teen Now' is the top layer. I think this is effective as it is like you are peeling back the layers, the same way you would read the magazine. Most of the features are advertised on the front, such a posters, interviews and fashion pages. The colour of the title is pink, which can be associated with love, therefore implying that you will love the magazine. The second part of the title is white, which is associated with purity. This could imply that the magazine is suitable for a teenage audience. Instead of using particularly persuasive language, the magazine have added little circles with words such as 'wow' which is telling you how the features would make an impact on you. Lastly saying the word 'plus' makes the impression that you're getting more than what you pay for, which is a further reason for a teenager to but this magazine.   

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