Monday 17 December 2012

Double page spread- Draft 2

Double page spread screenshot from rebeccamilesmedia

Here is my second draft of my double page spread. I prefer this much more to draft 1 as it is more detailed and colourful. I struggled with draft 1 because of software complications.

This draft has obviously has more had more thought been put into it. It has the magazine name (which has been changed for the article), page numbers, more pictures (which have been edited), a symbol at the of the article, a pull quote, a 'did you know' section, different colours/sizes/italics for the questions and answers and more colours. Over all I am very happy with this draft. 

Monday 10 December 2012

Second Draft of my Front Cover

1st draft, front cover from rebeccamilesmedia
  For this layout, I chose not to use many pictures. I thought by using just one picture enhances the importance of it and the people in it. For my magazine, I decided to stick to the same font that is seen in my title. I thought this was effective and it is easy to read and professional looking but not overly formal. The colour I chose for the title was pink. I decided this because the magazine is aimed at a female audience, but also because pink symbolises love so it may give the reader a positive opinion about the magazine. I also included the same icon (the love heart) as I am using this as the magazine logo to make the magazine more recognisable and seem professional. I also included basics, such as issue number, date and price.

Thursday 6 December 2012

My Double Page First Draft

Screen shot of double spread draft 1 from rebeccamilesmedia

This is my first draft of my double page spread. I found this one most difficult to create than compared to my contents and front cover. This may be because there is much more to include. I struggled to fit all the interview that i typed up onto my spread so i said at the bottom to turn over for more, which obviously will not be included in the final design.
                    When I create my final draft, I will add more pictures to the double spread and also add more colour to the interview page. I couldn't do this for this particular draft as there was a software issue when I came to do so. However I am aware of what I need to add.
                    I am considerably happy with this draft but I know I will have to spend more time improving the double spread compared to the front cover and contents page. I am also considering changing the layout slightly by including the interview on the first page as well as the second.