Thursday 6 December 2012

My Double Page First Draft

Screen shot of double spread draft 1 from rebeccamilesmedia

This is my first draft of my double page spread. I found this one most difficult to create than compared to my contents and front cover. This may be because there is much more to include. I struggled to fit all the interview that i typed up onto my spread so i said at the bottom to turn over for more, which obviously will not be included in the final design.
                    When I create my final draft, I will add more pictures to the double spread and also add more colour to the interview page. I couldn't do this for this particular draft as there was a software issue when I came to do so. However I am aware of what I need to add.
                    I am considerably happy with this draft but I know I will have to spend more time improving the double spread compared to the front cover and contents page. I am also considering changing the layout slightly by including the interview on the first page as well as the second.

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