Monday 21 January 2013

Contents Page- Draft 2

Contents page draft 2 screenshot from rebeccamilesmedia

The changes I made on this draft was change the background colour, to add to the 'pop' theme that my magazine will own. I also added many more pictures to the page, therefore fixing the problem I had with blank space that I had with my first draft. I added a picture of myself for the editors column. I added pictures that will feature in certain articles. One of these features is a competition to win a one direction signed photograph. I own this myself so I took a photograph of it to add to the contents page. Another feature I added was contact information, such as ways to find the magazine's twitter and facebook pages. This was a feature that was suggest through my feedback (see video on past post) I decided to use this advice as the target audience is mostly teenage based, therefore more commonly found on social networking sites such as twiiter and facebook. I kept a consitent use of the heart shaped logo which was seen on the front cover. This time it is found in the corner of the page as used as highlighting the page number. This will be consistent throughout the magazine and will be seen on the double page spread which I will edit in the near by future.

In conclusion, I am very happy with the improvements that I have made to my contents page on this second draft. I have taken into consideration feedback and advice I have received.

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