Friday 30 November 2012

My Pictures I Took For My Magazine

Here are a few of my pictures that I took for my magazine.I had no trouble thinking of ideas of poses that the girls could do. I found everything fairly straight forward, however I found experimenting with the different lighting quite difficult. I used girls who are all 11 or 12, which are the type of people the magazine itself is aimed that. I chose this girls as they are all good friends, showing the closeness o the group and reflects the friendly tone of the magazine that I wanted to achieve. I also chose these girls as they people my target audience can relate to due to age, gender, and personalities. Please take a moment to see the results:   

This picture has been taken from a high angle. I thought this was an interesting angle and I used it to show the effect the fan was making clearly. I put the fan on next to the background to make their hair look flawless. This particular photo was an experiment with the fan. I like this picture however as it shows the girls in mid laugh and shows real laughter without the posed look. 

I am going to use this picture to show how close the girl group are. I found the inspiration from the research I done when I looked at other photo shots of pop groups. All the girls look really close like they have been friends for years and been through a lot which I am going to betray in my article based on them.
I am planning on using this picture on either the front cover or contents page as although they aren't, it gives the impression that they are pointing at the reader with the caption '...they are just like YOU!' which adds emphasis to the addressing of the reader. They are doing peace signs as a message for peace in the world as I am planning on mentioning they are ambassadors for a anti bullying charity which will go onto give an idea of what their personality and message is. 

I am overall very impressed with my pictures so far and how they have turned out. I am hopeful that they will work on the magazine very well. 

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