Tuesday 2 October 2012

Detailed Description of Ideal Readers and Themes of My Preliminary Task

Write up of Lesson

* Describe your ideal reader:
my ideal reader is an 16-18 year old sixth form student who attends Ruislip High School

* Describe your reader's typical day: 
My ideal readers day consists of: preparing for school which includes organizing homework or folders for that day, then they should try their best in understanding all pieces of new information. Socialising with friends is a common part of everyday life, and when they come home, they should hopefully get on with homework/extra work. My magazine will help them have a simple timetable for the day and gives ideas on how to manage these key events of everyday life.

* Sum up your magazine in one word:

*Write a pitch to advertise your magazine:
My school magazine is a survival guide to the Ruislip High school sixth form. It answers questions on life in this sixth form, gives ideas on what to wear, how to manage work,  tells the reader what events are happening/happened around school, and also has an advice column for social or work problems. This magazine is an essential item for life as a Ruislip high sixth form student. It also gives the school a strong sense of community whilst also focusing on personal achievements. 

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