Tuesday 2 October 2012

Uses of Photographs in my Preliminary Task

Ideas for my Photographs to use in my Preliminary Task
For my preliminary task (Ruislip High school Sixth Form magazine) i need to use a vast number of photographs. One of these must be of a student at work in a medium close up shot. For this, I was thinking of including a picture of a fellow student completing work on a desktop. Before i take my photographs, i wanted to gather up some ideas of what sort of photographs i need to personally take. 
                           As my magazine is school based, the pictures must reflect this theme, as well as bringing the article's information to life. This means that my pictures will be taken around school. One of my magazine's articles will include life as a sixth form student, so i will take pictures of;  the reception area and the office (so students know where they need to go if they have a query with something in general), pictures of the study room and LRC (to show students places for quiet study) pictures of the common room and outdoor area (to show students where they can socialise) and pictures of classrooms around school (so students know where the majority of their lesson will take place.) These pictures will be used on my front cover and contents pages to advertise certain articles. Whilst i have a strong Idea of these pictures, I will take at least around 50 pictures so i will have more than enough when it comes to completing my ppreliminary task.
 My Photographs     
Here are some of the photos I took around the sixth form area to use in my preliminary task.

 One of the criteria's that I need to meet is to use a picture of a student working in medium close up. Here is the picture I intend to use.

Here is a picture of the outside area where students can socialise. This will fit in with the topic I plan to advertise on my contents page which is 'where to socalise' or something along those lines.

Here is a picture of the entrance to the sixth form part of the school. I'm thinking of maybe including this on my front cover. As the door is open, it implies a 'welcome' feel and may encourage the reader to read the magazine.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca,
    Please can you upload some of the pictures?
    Thank you.
