Friday 26 October 2012

My Music Magazine Moodboard

My music magazine is going to be based on the popular music genre, hence the name 'Total Pop!' I tried to make this come across in my mood board by making it brightly coloured, which I think are associated with pop music. I also included relevant popular artists, and features that will be included.

     I chose to base my magazine on pop music as it is the music I usually listen to and therefore I will be able to know the artists, include features that are usually found in pop music magazines, and also give honest opinions if I decide to give an example of a review.

     In my magazine, I will include; new releases, reviews, gossip, 'get the look' fashion pages, advertisements/posters, and also include exclusive interviews with pop artists.

     I want this magazine to be aimed at anyone who has an interest in popular music. I don't want the magazine to be taken too seriously, as in a want to write it in a friendly tone but still get vital information across. I want people to enjoy reading the magazine weekly whilst still gaining knowledge of their favourite artists, receive opinions on new music, and know up and coming release dates.

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