Thursday 4 October 2012

Introduction to Photoshop

 In my last lesson, I started practising using Photoshop, and I created a film poster (see link) To be honest, I'm personally not all that proud with the finished product, as I had trouble with my desktop. However I do understand what I did wrong and know the basics of Photoshop even though it doesn't show strongly.  
                     Firstly, I added the needed background, and 'Rasterised' the layer. Then I changed the gradient to give it a faded look. I did a similar process to this on the 3 pictures of the actors and the effective image, but I also cropped these pictures so it didn't have a white background, and therefore looking like it blended in. I then added text, which included the title of the film, and the actors names. Then lastly, I added the film credits and the age certificate of the movie.
                    Although it doesn't come across very well, I understood the process and I put the fact of my disappointing work down to the problems I had with my desktop. So in conclusion, I feel relatively confident about using Photoshop in the future.


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