Tuesday 2 October 2012

Task Ideas for My Preliminary Task

Following on from my last post, I also have to begin gathering up my ideas for my articles which will be advertised on both my title and contents pages. Again, these need to reflect the school theme of my magazine and link to the community feel I want to achieve. The articles I wish to use include; 
'How to handle the amount of work'
'Where to go for what?'
 'Where to study within school'
 'common facts of the sixth form' 
'What to Wear'
' Whats going on around school'
'Whats been Happening?'
'Agony Aunt'
I will include more articles to advertise, but I know that when I get onto the task of taking pictures (refer to last post) I will get more inspiration for further articles to include in my preliminary task. 

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