Monday 12 November 2012

Analysis of my Questionnaire Responses

Questionnaire responses from rebeccamilesmedia
I found exactly what I needed from using my questionnaires. For example, I found a link between what age the person was, to what artist they are most interested in. I also found a link between the age group and the music magazines they read. For example, younger age groups read 'Girl Talk' whilst older age groups read more of magazines such as 'teen now'. This tells me that I need to focus on making my magazine appealing across age groups, as although both this magazines are pop based magazines, they have slightly different audiences in terms of age differences.  I also found that  people interested in pop or rock like to attend concerts whilst people interested in indie prefer the festival vibe. This will come in helpful if i decide on advertising a competition, as i could make attending a concert a prize rather than a festival.

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