Monday 12 November 2012

Plans for Pictures in my Music Magazine

                                  I have decided that for my double page spread, I am going to include an exclusive interview with a girl band. I am going to ask my sister and her friends to be the girl band. I want the pictures to be uncomplex, so just in front of a white background. This is going to give them a professional look. I am going to ask the girls to dress in trousers and a top of their choice, as I don't them to be too dressed up. I want young girls reading the magazine to relate to them. I am going to photograph them just having a laugh with each other, and looking happy etc. I am planning on two serious shots ;however to reflect how they are serious about their music. I have thought of a shot where they jump in the air and I take the picture while they are in the air. This will then be followed by the caption 'On top of the world.'
                                     As the interview is the main feature of the magzine, it will also be the main feature on the cover. I am unsure of other pictures as of yet, but im thinking of maybe photographing some of my frineds near a window to give the pictures differences. I may also photography intruments, such as drums or microphone to feature on my magazine contents page and to create a logo for the magazine.

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