Friday 23 November 2012

My Front Cover First Draft

Front cover 1st draft screenshot from rebeccamilesmedia

Here is my first draft. I completed it on Indesign. I found the programme fairly easy to use, but only by using the basics features. I found the more complicated features challenging to use. However once I got used to them i found it relatively easy.
Obviously, once I have taken my pictures i will use them but for the draft I used pictures from the Internet to get an idea of the layout.I used a picture of a girl band as the main feature as that's what I am planning to do when I create my final front cover. I'm fairly certain that the layout will remain similar with a similar colour and font scheme. However the headline will change and adapt to the picture I will use.
Overall I'm happy with how this turned out. I think it looks similar to other magazines I've looked at during my research. Also I included features that I know people want from my questionnaires. 

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