Monday 19 November 2012

Examples of the Types of Pictures I Want to Take

Here are some pictures that I found from  'We Love Pop' photo shoots. These represent the types of pictures I want to recreate in my own way. I chose these photo shoots as they are for a pop magazine like mine.

In this picture, we see the band having a laugh. I want to have a shot like this as it presents them as normal people who don't take themselves too seriously. I thought is is effective as relates to the reader and presents the gener as fun based. You can also see the set of the photo shoot, and this gives an impression that the band almost 'recked' the set and again this shows them as fun and relatiable.  

Here we see a girl band and I am using a girl band as my main feature of the magazine. This particular picture shows the group as extremely close by the fact they are all smiling and hugging. This makes them come across as having friendly personalities. The fact they are looking straight in the camera smiling may be interpreted as smiling at the reader which reflects a kind personality. I may use a similar shot in my photos.

Here we see an individual shot of a band member. We see a glimpse into his 'charming' personality. Obviously in the magazine there were pictures of all 5 of the individual and members. I think this is an effective way of showing each individual members personality and people usually have favourites within a group. It is also a way of showing the differences between the band members and their personalities which may appeal to a wider audience. I may do this in my magazine.
Here's an example of the jumping shot that I mentioned in my last post. Obviously my jumping shot wont be into a swimming pool but I am using this as an example in the sense of taking it while they are in mid air. Again this brings the aspect of fun.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is one of your best posts because you explained how this links to the pictures you would like to take as well you have analysed the pictures above and how they are effective and explain the deeper meanings with some use of effective terminology.
