Sunday 11 November 2012

ESSAY- Comparing Magazine Contents Pages

Contents pages are a vital feature found in all magazines, including music magazines. They typically include page numbers to articles, pictures relating to the cover or article and a page number. 
                                    The first contents page I am going to analysis is 'We Love Pop' which is a pop based music magazine. I paid particular attention to this contents as I am also making a Pop magazine. First thing I noticed was the continuing use of bright colours, which reflects the target audience which I'm assuming is girls aged 9-16, which is very similar to my target audience. There is a editors column which relates and gives extra exclusive content on the main article. I also noticed the title doesn't bluntly say 'Contents page' as it says 'WE LOVE THIS...' which may make the reader then feel that this is amazing content therefore encouraging them to read the magazine fully and then maybe also encourage them to read it monthly. The other features of the contents page includes; page number, pictures relating to articles, the magazine logo, and summaries or extracts from features. 
                                   The second contents page comes from 'NME' which is aimed at rock and alternative music. There is not a bright colour scheme compared to 'We Love Pop' however, there is a consistent use of red to make page numbers stand out. another thing that red is used for is to make the advertisement stand out. The advert is to promote the subscription deal of the magazine. The title, like the last magazine is not 'Contents page' but is 'Inside This Week' which although is not basic , it is also a lot more formal. The font constantly changes throughout page, but stays in a formal manner. This may represent that they want a wide range of different music tastes that are different in the magazine to be taken all seriously and are all just as important as any other genre. Again, they also use pictures and summaries and extracts.
                                 The next magazine is Q magazine. The target music genre is similar to the previous magazine but focuses slightly more on the rock side. A similar aspect is the use of red, used to to make page numbers stand out as well as feature titles too. The date can also been seen on the contents page. Something different that this page does is the title which plainly says 'Contents page' Maybe this was chosen to keep it simple and not over complicate things. This contents page, although formal in font, language and colours, also presents a comical side, with cartoon characters drawn around the double spread layout based on well know musicians. The pictures show a mixture of posed photographs and ones of performances. A subscription advertisement is also used which is maybe something i could interpret into mine.  
                                My final magazine is 'Mix Mag' which is aimed at people interested in dance music. First thing I noticed is the representation of girls on the contents page alone. It shows mostly females in a swimming pool in bikinis drinking alcohol. This magazine, however is aimed at both genders so this may be the norm in the clubbing scene. Even though the colours on the background and writing is quite plain and simple, the central pictures come off as quite vibrant. This may represent a club as the seating area is usually dark, but the dance floor, usually located in the middle of the club, is known for being bright and colourful from the lights. The features have been sorted into categories which I think is a good idea if someone was looking for a quick read and was trying to find the most things they relate to. I find the font interesting  as the letters seem to be divided in the middle, so as the magazine is aimed at both male and female, it could represent two people.   
                            From looking at these 4 contents pages, I have seen basics that i should interpret into my contents page including; page number of the contents page itself, thought into the title, colours and fonts which reflects the music genre and the use of the pictures. I have also thought of new ideas along the way such as using categorical methods, advertisements of extra features, and an editors column. 

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