Friday 30 November 2012

Contents page - First Draft

Conents page first draft from rebeccamilesmedia

Here is my first contents page draft. I created it on In design, which is the appropriate programme to use. In this design, I used a mixture of both my pictures and ones I found on the Internet. This is because I have began to take my pictures (see following post) but I have no been able to take all of them as of yet. Although I am aware of the pictures that I do need and will be able to get them uploaded act before the deadline.
             In my design, I included colourful boxes for decoration which lay in the background. I chose this particular decoration as when I looked at pop music based magazines, they included a similar design which I have incorporated into my work. My own pictures that I used have been slightly photo shopped as i have boost up their brightness to make them clearer and seem more professional.
            All in all, I am very happy with how my first has turned out and I have established my colour and font scheme, and added basics such as page numbers. I still have pictures to add, and like my front cover draft, some of the story lines will change. They have just been included to give an idea of the layout.

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